feat. My Washing Machine!


Welcome everybody to That's a Free Bee, the podcast that currently features my washing machine. This week, I'm gonna be talking about car seats. Lollipop people are crossing guards as, some people will know them. Some myths about my friend, coffee, and some surprising movie facts that might surprise some of you might not, a very profitable pick of the week, kind of and so much more. But as usual, I've got to open with an ask


a free bee question. This week's question is, have you ever dined and dashed?


I've thought about this, and I I cannot remember a time when I've dined and dashed. So I think the answer to that question is a probably disappointing no, because I'm assuming that whoever asked that question probably wanted me to say yes and tell the story about it. But, nope. Sadly, it's never happened. Who knows in the future, though?


Maybe I'll do it just for the show. No. I won't. I won't I won't dine and dash. That's not fair on the, the people that serve you your food.


So dot, dial, and dash. If you'd like to, open up the show with a question, then you could go to that'safreebee.com. On there, you can hit the button that says ask a question, or you can use ask a freebie on social media. I do check it fairly regular, so I should, I should see that. You can also drop me an email at hello@vatsafreebie.com.


Here's the theme tune. Sit back, relax, unless you're driving. It's time for That's a Freebie. Took the kids to school earlier, and when I


came back, the kitchen was flooded. And I don't mean there was a little bit of water on


the floor. I mean, it was flooded. It was a good 2 inches deep, easily. The whole floor in the kitchen. Like, all of it.


Not there was none of it that wasn't. It had gone under the cupboards. It was under the appliances, everything. So the first thing I obviously thought was, no. The radiator that's been giving me loads of trouble upstairs.


I thought maybe that had, like, full on burst, and it's just got everywhere. Or maybe it's never stopped leaking, and it's been leaking into the ceiling, and it's gone the opposite way this time because it's on the opposite side of where it usually drops. So I've run upstairs, and I had to look at the radiator. Everything seemed fine. And so then my next thought is it's gotta be the freezer then.


Right? It's this is enough water for a defrosted freezer. So runs downstairs. Nope. Freezer seems okay.


It's still fully frozen. Like, what could it be? Where's it coming from? That's when I realized I trapped a sock in the door when I put the washing machine on before I went. So it was pouring out the bottom of the washing machine.


So I obviously I quickly paused the washing machine, solved it. Took a lot of towels. In fact, there's still a bunch of towels on the floor just in case, I've damaged the seal or anything like that. So the washing machine is currently on. So if you can hear it, let me know.


I know it's such a weird thing to ask, but like it is going crazy now. I'm gonna go quiet right? I'm gonna stop talking. Of course the second I stop talking the washing machine stops making noise. Right.


Anyway, if you hear it


at all during the show, let me know.


The reason I'm asking that is I'm just curious as to if it if the microphone will pick stuff like that up so that in the future I know whether I can have the washing machine or not. I definitely can't have the dryer on because it is literally, like, right there at the side of me. I could reach out and touch it. So I I I cannot have the dryer rod because it's super loud as it is. The girl asked me the dreaded question, this week.


The thing that I've not been looking forward to her asking,


but I'm I'm kind of okay with it at


the same time. But I'm not okay with it. But I am okay with it. Yeah. It's a car seat.


So she's 10 years old now. She's she's pretty tall. She's like, she's not actually, you know what? Whenever we see pictures of her in class, she is actually one of the taller students in class. But there's a couple in there that are just so much taller than her that, are actually her friends.


So it makes her look small when we see it normally. But, actually, she's quite tall compared to some of


the people in her class.


And so she asked, can she no longer have a car seat? And I've been saying for a long, long time, nope. You can't have a car seat until you're you're sorry. You can't go without a car seat until you're 12 years old, because that's the legal limit. And, it turns out that's not true 100%.


So my wife looked it up, and and then obviously I looked it up because I didn't believe her, and I wanted to prove her wrong, and she was right. As, you know, as I've mentioned before, wives often are. The so it turns out the actual legal limit is 12 years old or a 135 centimeters, whichever comes first. Not both of them, whichever comes first. And, again, if any of you know other than that and you can prove it, send me a message and let me know because I'd love for her to still be in the car seat, really.


She is a 145 centimeters, so she's 10 centimeters above the legal limit for having a car seat, which means I've not really got an argument. Now as much as I would prefer her to still be in it because it just feels safer to me, she clearly is okay when she's in the back of the car. She's she's sat at a a good height. When she was in the car seat, her shoulders were touching the the the, like, the headrest of the car seat. So it clearly wasn't comfortable for her.


So the best thing to do is actually to get rid of the car seat, but I don't know. It's just something about it. Does it feel right not not having any child in a car seat? So speaking of children, we at school I say we at school as if I go to the school. The school have, recently got a new, lollipop man or lollipop person or crossing guard, whatever you wanna call them.


I don't know what the right thing to call, but people in that profession these days are. I know as a kid, it was always the lollipop lady, but I have noticed that the majority of them these days, certainly in the area I live in, tend to be men. So obviously, we can't call it lollipop ladies. Lollipop where lollipop person just sounds a bit


strange. Excuse me. And, crossing guard sounds very American


or or non British, I suppose. So I don't know what to call them. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. You know who I mean. Right?


The people that stand in the Hivis vest with the giant lollipop, that says stop Children Crossing. Right? We we've got a new one. Then we have 2 for our school because there's 2 main roads that surround the school. So for quite a while now, we haven't had one on one of the main one of the roads, basically.


And we, we have a new one now. And I really hate to say it. I really, really do hate to say it. Like, I've tried to not think this. I've, I've I've I've really, like, had to reconcile this in my head that it's true, but he's terrible.


Like, he's really, really, really bad. He's he's probably dangerous, actually, to the point where somebody needs to say something. Now I know things have been said to him because all of the parents are talking about it. And some of the parents are saying some pretty mean things, which is why I've been trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. He's new to the job, all that kind of stuff, but he's he's not doing a good job.


He he's been doing it now for just over a month, maybe even 2 months. I'm not a 100% sure, but he basically so what he does is it's it's a it's a tricky crossing. I'll I'll I'll give it that. So that's why I was trying to give you the benefit of the day. But it's quite a wide road, and in the middle of the road is a traffic island.


So what the old, crossing guard used to do is they used to walk out to the, middle of the road like you do and stand on the island with the, with the lollipop like reached out and his arm reached out. And it was fine, never a single issue. He would, before he walked out into the road, he would hold the lollipop lollipop? The lollipop above his head and outwards into the road so that traffic would slow down and stop. He would make all the children stand behind him, and he'd hold his hand up and he'd say, wait there.


He'd watch in the middle of the road. He'd wait till the traffic stop. He'd look at both sides of the traffic, like, make eye contact with each driver to make sure that they're stopped, and then he would wave the children across. Right? Now that is probably a bit more than you need to do really.


So we're we're obviously spoiled by, the the previous one being really, really amazing at his job. But what this one actually does is he just steps out into the road, and then he goes and stands on one side of the road. So he walks across the road past the, the central island, and then he stands on the opposite side of the road, and he holds the lollipop out there. And then what happens is the people that are traveling on the I'm gonna say the left hand side. It doesn't matter which side you're on.


You're on the left hand side. But the people that are traveling on the side of the road that he's not stood on don't realize he's there. So they they start to go through it, then they realize at the last minute, slam the brakes on what they've done. And then they feel like, oh, no. I've done the wrong thing.


Now granted, there is a massive guy dressed in yellow stood on the opposite side of the road with the lollipop out. So if he should see it, don't get me wrong. But his positioning is just making it quite hard for people to see. But what he also does is he he just lets the kids follow him as he's walking out. So sometimes these cars are slamming on and there's kids walking in front of him.


And he just can't seem to get it, what he's doing wrong. And then he sort of hesitates a lot as well. He'll go to walk back, and then the cars will start setting off because he's almost on the the path. But then he turns around and just puts his lollipop out again because he's seen somebody walking down the the the pavement towards him. So he thinks, oh, I'll just pop I'll just stop keep him stopped so that this person could cross.


And he's causing all kinds of problems. He's nearly been hit so many times. And children have nearly been hit as well because he's just I don't know. It's really hard to describe. I I I film him and show you, but I don't think that's fair, to be honest.


But, yeah, he basically he hesitates so much with everything everything that he's doing. It looks like he's gonna cause an accident. And then to top it all this morning, he just walked straight out in front of a car, and the car hit him. No. I'm I'm not laughing because he got hit by the car because he he was fine.


It was a very slight tap. He was really, really lucky, but he just literally just didn't hold the lollipop up in any way, shape, or form. He was facing away. He was talking to a family behind him, and he just stepped out into the road. And luckily, most of the parents have have sort of got the idea of what he's like in a minute.


So this car was already going a little bit slow anyway because we were expecting him to, and then he stepped out. And he basically sort of stopped to put his hands on the body of the car. And he looks at the guy, the the guy in the car, wiped his window down, and he said, what are you doing you idiot? Why don't you do your job? And I was like, oh, that's when I was like, yeah.


I could realize now that a lot of people are getting annoyed at this guy. And he he went, sorry. I just laughed it off, and then when I stood on the opposite side of the road, so obviously all the cars kept going. Fortunately, I was like 4, 5 cars behind, so I stopped so that the people could cross. But, yeah, terrible terrible crossing guard.


And I really don't know what to do with about it because obviously we need to tell somebody. But who do you tell? The school haven't employed him. The council have employed him. So, like, where where do you go?


It is actually parents' evening tonight, so I'm gonna have a chat with the head teacher at school and just see if she has, an idea or an avenue to go down because I think purely for his safety, he just needs to probably be I don't know. Have a bit more training or taught how to do the job a little bit better. Yeah. Bit of a tough situation really. Time for a little bit of what goo talking about.


I just feel like I should clarify as well, what I'm doing with this section because it has been a little bit of a I don't quite know what to do with it. Essentially, I I like to split the podcast up into sections because it's easier for me to record. It's easier for me to know where I'm up to. And it it lets you know what to expect. You know, if you don't if you don't wanna know how my week's gone, you can always skip forward to the what you're talking about.


If all you care about is AI questions, you can skip to the AI question. You know? It's that's the whole point of splitting it up. What I've been doing is essentially just throwing what I can at the what you're talking about section because, I just wanted to see what well, what kind of content I like producing. And there's a few.


So what I didn't wanna do is start doing loads and loads of different sections every week and the podcast getting longer and longer and longer, because some of the episodes have been an hour long at the moment. And I'm cool with that. I think that's my upper limit. I don't wanna really go more than an hour, although I think last week's episode was 1 hour and 1 minute. But if you take out the the theme tune, you know, it's just under an hour then.


That's about 30 seconds. So what I'm gonna do with the what Ku talking about, that's gonna be like my rotating section. So I'm gonna have different things in this section that are not related to my own week. So my my my non personal stories are gonna go here, essentially. So things I found on the Internet, the Alex section, all that kind of stuff is gonna go here.


But what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna rotate, because I I did find like, last week when I was recording the Alex section, I was a little bit less inspired than I've been in previous weeks because I've been doing it every single week. And I I think it would have the chance of going a little bit stale if I didn't, rotate it a bit. So, I've gotta mix it up a bit. So some weeks I'll have Alex in the what you're talking about section. Some weeks I'll have, like, the listicle things that I've been enjoying doing or some of the funny stuff I've seen on the Internet.


Some weeks it might even just be, like, news stories that I find interesting. I am thinking of a new section that's well, a new a new part of what's goo talking about, where I look at some Wikipedia articles, and we'll we'll learn a little bit together. That is gonna be coming up in episode number 40. I'm gonna only do that every 5th episode. The others will rotate in and out as I see fit.


But that one, I think I'm gonna do every 5th episode because it gives me time to do some research on the topic. So it's not just me reading a Wikipedia article because and anyone could do that. But then at the same time, they're well written. So sometimes it is just gonna be a case of I'm reading it and adding my own thoughts on it. We'll see how that goes.


Well, we'll see in episode 40. I've got a nice article lined up ready to go. Just doing a little bit of research, seeing if there's anything I could add to it. So this week in what goo talking about, we're gonna have a look at, first of all, we're gonna look at some myths about coffee, because I find these quite interesting. Myth number


1. Coffee addiction is a real problem. I'm really happy that that's a myth. The word addict is loaded, and for most people, a coffee habit is not


a big deal. When we think of addiction, we immediately think of alcohol, nicotine, or drugs. When it comes to caffeine or coffee, the term addiction may be too strong, says Frank Hu, MD, PhD, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. That is a really long title. The physical health and social consequences of caffeine.


You caffeine use are not as serious. Illegal stimulants send levels of dopamine, the body's feel good hormone soaring, making you crave more and get the same reward response, but caffeine raises dopamine levels only slightly. That's why caffeine withdrawal symptoms are more manageable. Doctor Hu says they include fatigue and headache. Still, if you don't like the way caffeine makes you feel, cut back.


Just do it slowly so as to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Yeah. That's a good point. I mean, I still think you I I mean, personally, I do think you can be addicted to coffee, but, yeah, I realized what the what he's probably saying there is that the the actual term is probably not the right term because you're not gonna be going out chasing the coffee dragon, are you? I don't know.


Maybe you will. Myth number 2, coffee is dehydrating. Caffeine is a diuretic. So coffee makes you pee more, but drinking even as much as 4 cups a day won't dehydrate you, research shows. That's because the water in the coffee balances out the slight diuretic effects of the caffeine, says Whitney Stewart, a registered dietitian nutritionist, and a certified diabetes educator.


Look at the color of your urine for a clue as to whether you're getting enough fluid. It should have a straw yellow color, a tinge of yellow, Stewart explains. If it's darker than that, you should drink more water. That's good advice all around. Right?


Myth number 3, and I've got to admit I thought this was true. Coffee sobers you up. Drinking coffee does not get alcohol out of your system any faster. Even if you feel more awake or alert, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention reports. This means that if you're drunk, having coffee does not make it okay to drive.


I mean, I knew that, but, yeah, I do I do feel like it makes you feel a bit more awake, I suppose. I I guess it does heighten your senses, but you're still technically drunk. Research has found that caffeine does not reverse alcohol's impairment or psycho motor tasks, skills like driving that require thought movement and coordination. In fact, caffeine may be caffeine may make you feel more capable because you're less drowsy, but you'll still be a worse driver says Marilyn Cornelis, PhD, an associate professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. Coffee may even encourage people to drink more alcohol because it makes them feel less sleepy.


Yep. That actually does make a lot


of sense. Myth number 4.


Darker roasts have more caffeine. A darker roast simply means the beans have been roasted longer. Not that there's a different amount of caffeine in them, says Cornelis. Measured scoop against scoop, darker roast can actually contain less caffeine than lighter roast because coffee beans puff up when roasted longer, meaning you'll need to draw. Sorry.


Meaning, you'll need fewer of them to fill your machine. That said, many coffee shops weigh their beans, which means a brewed cup of dark roast might contain slightly more coffee than a light roast. Cornelis adds, if you're concerned about caffeine, it's more important to pay attention to the type of bean. Robusta beans, for example, contain twice as much caffeine as Arabica bean Arab Arabica ones. And how the coffee is made using more water dilutes the caffeine more.


If you're trying to keep acidity down, you want to look for a darker roast, which is less acidic than a lighter roast of the same bean type. And myth number 5, this is my favorite coffee myth. The myth is coffee is bad for you. So that means it's good for me, and I can just drink as much as I want. Right?


Well, research shows that drinking a moderate amount of coffee, about 2 to 5 cups a day. Good god. I don't think I could drink 5 cups of coffee a day. Reduces the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson's disease, liver cancer, and depression. As Harvard's doctor Hu sorry, says Harvard's doctor Hu, it could even lower your risk of death from any cause.


Okay? That's a wild statement, isn't it? The evidence is try quite strong that regular coffee consumption is more helpful than harmful, doctor Hughes says. Why? Coffee is a good source of antioxidants, and anti inflammatory, phytochemicals.


I was not ready for that sentence then. That could improve disease risk factors like insulin resistance, says Stuart. Just try to stick 400 milligram, megagram of caffeine a day, 200, whatever the measurement is, or less during pregnancy. So you your sleep won't be disrupted. And go easy on carbohydrates, heavy sweetened coffee drinks like vanilla or oat milk lattes, which are really caffeinated desserts in disguise.


Yeah. Okay. So coffee, black. No sugar. Sounds good to me.


I have got open Reader's Digest Australia, and we're gonna be going through 22 surprising movie trivia facts that you won't believe are true. Some of these, I did believe were true, and, some of them I didn't know existed. So, yeah, let's see. So, first of all, the code in the matrix comes from sushi recipes. Those green symbols trailing down the matrix aren't complicated algorithms.


A production designer scanned symbols from his wife's sushi cookbooks and manipulated them to create the iconic code. Did not know that. I think I've read other things about that in the past. So which one's true is that? I I guess we'll we'll probably never know really.


Even in interviews, you don't always know if you've been taught the truth, do you? But


that says says about right. Director James Cameron


drew the sketch in Titanic. Unlike Jack's French girls, Kate Winslet wore a bathing suit, while Cameron sketched the picture. One famous pulp fiction scene was filmed backwards, when Uma Thurman's character is having an overdose. It looks like John Travolta sticks a needle into her to revive her, but actually, Travolta pulled the needle out, and the film would run backwards, to reverse the action. I suppose the reason for doing that I was musing on this one, and I think the the answer to that is probably because Eva wasn't comfortable putting the needle in, for health and safety reasons.


They didn't want him, putting a needle in live on camera, in case he did somewhat wrong. So a medical professional, I would have thought, probably put the needle in, and then they filmed him pulling the needle out, which makes sense. I mean, I would have just assumed they'd use a fake syringe. But, hey.


The stray cat in Godfather. Doug,


the cat in The Godfather was a stray. I gave that one away then, didn't I? I? Director Francis Ford Coppola found the cat in the studio


and handed it to Marlon Brando. Before the cat before the shot, the cat loved


the actor so much that it stayed in his lap and purred so loudly that the crew was afraid the noise would drown out for dialogue. Just like my washing machine right now, it is the loudest I've heard it go. Tell me if you can hear


that. There you go. I went quiet for a


bit while I had a drink just so you could, you could have a listen. Hello at that's a freebie.com. Let me know if you can hear the washing machine. Sean Connery wore a toupee in every James Bond movie. If you think the dreamy double 07 seemed too good to be true, you're right.


Sean Connery started balding at age 17, same as me. Actually, I was age 16, so, I got that on you. I don't I don't think that's something to brag about, is it really? You won't believe these bind no. I have to take I've just I keep reading the, the links.


So the there are links at the end of each of these, and they are in red. But I can't tell if they look black to me. I'll be blended with the black. I I can't tell that they're red until I start reading them, but I realize that they're actually linked to other articles. There's a Starbucks cup in every fight club scene.


Every scene? Really? There's a Starbucks cup cup in every fight club scene. Yeah. Wow.


Okay. Director David Fincher thought the Starbucks shops popping up on every block in LA in the late nineties was too much of a good thing, so he popped fun at the coffee chain in Fight Club. He's claimed to have sneaks a Starbucks coffee cup coffee cup into every shot with permission from the chain. With one exception, Starbucks didn't want its shop destroyed on film. So that scene uses the made up ratifico coffee instead.


Velociraptonoids is a Jurassic Park. Are tortoises basing mating. That's right. Some of the noises made by velociraptors were actually provided by tortoises in the fear in the throes of ecstasy. Yeah.


At least there's the that's what the site designer used when the were communicating. Wow. Okay. Other scenes of the species used horse breathing and gooses. Okay.


ET and Poltergeist started from the same script. Wow. Steven Spielberg was going to produce filmmaker John Sales' Night Sky script about a rural family invaded by aliens that were killed with a touch of a finger. It decided to come more family friendly route, with the story by creating ETV extraterrestrial. Sales wouldn't rewrite the script, but Spielberg kept the idea for Poltergeist.


Wow. Michael Myers' mask in Halloween is William Shatner's face. I'm assuming they don't mean his actual face. I'm assuming they mean, modeled on his face. Or specifically, his Star Trek character, Captain Kirk.


There wasn't money in 1978 horror films budget to create a custom mask, so the art director bought a clown and a Captain Kirk mask. The crew spray painted it white and adjusted the eyes and hair to create a terrifying mask.


Okay. That makes sense. So not modeled on William Shatner's face, but just, completely butchered, mask.


Now we hit the problem of having no Internet. I can't move on to the next page because my Internet now is really slow. There we go. Toy Story's would


it was originally a ventriloquist's dummy. Wow.


Even in later versions, he was written as a sarcastic bully trying to rally the other toys against us.


Luckily, the studio decided to transform him into a more lovable character yep. That does make


a lot more sense, doesn't it? Wow. This next one. OJ Simpson was considered for the lead in the Terminator. Director James Cameron rejected the choice because he didn't think the likable, goofy, kind of innocent guy could pull off a cyborg assassin.


I have no further comments. The voice of Monster Inc's Boo was an actual toddler. At 2a half, Mary Gibbs had trouble sitting still through the scenes, so the crew would follow her around with a microphone. They'd tickle her or take candy away from her to make her laugh or cry. So the emotions, are real, as they sound.


I do actually think I'd heard that one before. Washer machine's going crazy now. If you can't hear that, I'm impressed. R two d two and c three p o appear in Indiana Jones. Look closely at the scenery in Rages of the Lost Ark.


You'll notice hieroglyphics with the robots like this in 2 scenes. Check it. I did it again. I nearly read the, the next, the next link. God with the Wind's fire scene is old sets being burned.


The filmmakers had to get rid of the old sets to make room for the new movie scenery. So burning them and filming it as Atlanta, going down in flames accomplished both. Filmmakers are lucky it worked.


They shot the blaze even before the movie's cast was confirmed. Wow.


Oh god. How could they oh, they weren't all sets from that movie. They were just all sets in general. I just realized. I was gonna say, how could they burn the


sets down if you hadn't,


cast the movie yet? Jaws' most famous line was adlibbed. I I've read this one before. First of all, the line was, you're gonna need a bigger boat, not we're gonna need need a bigger boat. It's often misquoted.


The line wasn't in the original script, but was an inside joke among the Jaws crew teasing the stingy producers for picking a support boat that was too small to hold the equipment. Actor Roy Scheider, ad libbed the line and throughout filming. But the one kept in the final cut became the the the most famous one, one of the most famous remembered movie quotes of all time. Wow. A Harry Potter stunt double was paralyzed on the job.


David Holmes did the stunt doubles for Daniel Radcliffe in every Harry Potter movie, but an accident during a flying broomstick scene in the last movie left him paralyzed from the neck down. Ratcliffe organized a celebrity charity auction to pay his medical bills, and Holmes now runs a production company with 2 other quadriplegic friends. Wow. Toto was paid more than the Munch kids in the wizard of Oz. Wow.


The Munch kid actors receive $50 a week, which was a good wage at the time, apparently, while the dog earned


a $125 a week. Good grief.


The 10 Commandments set was buried underground for decades. Cecil b DeMille, director of the 1923 film The 10 Commandments, thought the movie sets included 21 Sphinx Sphinx replicas, was too valuable to let the filmmakers get their hands on it. He figured it was cheaper to bury the set than to move it, and the artifact remained underground near the California coast for 94 years before archaeologists found a 300 pound head in 2017. Psycho was the first movie to show a toilet flushing. At the time, the motion picture production code banned flushing toilets because it was considered filthy.


Psycho was a key to putting the censoring code to an end. Leonardo DiCaprio rarely cut his hand, during Django Unchained. During one of Leonardo DiCaprio's big scenes, his racist rant is highlighted when he slams down on a table and cuts his hand on a glass That might look like special effects,


but it wasn't in


the script. The actor really did hurt his hand without stopping the scene, and the blood you see is real. Wow. Dracula was filmed in English by day and Spanish by night. When the 1931 movie Dracula was being shot, it was common for foreign language films to take over the set at night and shoot their own versions instead of dubbing them over later.


The Spanish language version, which used the same script and set wrapped up in about half the time and earned way better reviews than its English language counterpart. Jimmy Stewart did not want to do It's a Wonderful Life. The lead actor had returned from spending 15 months in World War 2 combat as a pilot and was considered quitting acting. He initially said a film about suicide was the last thing the country, and he, as someone who was dealing with PTSD needed, but he reluctantly agreed.


It's a wonderful life, ended up relaunching his acting career. Well, there you have it.


I know you've all been waiting for this. The big question of


the week, did I go to the gym? The answer to that question


is yes. I did. I went on Wednesday of last week, after recording. Well, I recorded on Monday, so I went on the Monday. I then went on Wednesday.


I absolutely killed my legs. They were hurting like crazy, so I think I overdid it. I've since got a bit of advice on what best to do, and I went again this morning before recording this. So that's 3 times up to now. So the answer is to did I go to the gym is yes.


Yes. I did. Time for this week's pick of the week. The pick of the week this week is actually a website. The address is, manifold.


It's that's manifold.markets. Now I will obviously, as always, add a link to that in the show notes for you, because it's, it's quite hard to tell what I'm saying sometimes. So I will, I'll link to that for you. It's basically it's a website where you you place bets using fake money. Although real money can be involved, but I've not had to do that up to now.


You place bets using fake money. And the idea is that you're betting on, stuff going on around the world. It's it's much it's more designed to be fun, than an actual you're making money. In fact, I don't even think there is a way you can make money, from what I can see. So you use this fake money.


I can't remember what they call it actually. It's, it's it's essentially I think of it as monopoly money. It's probably that's how I think of it. It's an m with a slash. It's like probably like, manifold dollars or something like that.


And you just you just place bets on on things that are going on in the world. So for example, I've got a few of them up here. So will June part 2 gross, more than 40,000,000 domestic during its 2nd weekend, March 8th to 10th. And you you bet whether you think it will or you won't, and then you can but you you whatever you bet, obviously, you you you make money on it just like you do with any other betting. As as in when I say money, you make fake money on it.


But they've got all kinds of categories. So you've got, like, entertainment and pop culture, politics, culture, technology, the upcoming president president's election, movies, AI, world, sports, crypto, good for everything here, Bitcoin. There's even a section on the Oscars, science questions. If I had to science, will the average global temperature in 2024 exceed that of 2023. The greatest mathematician of all time, if I click on that, you get, you you get to choose between, above us, about 8, on there, and you can, you could bet on who you think is the greatest.


Obviously, that's an opinion thing, I suppose, really. But if you bet the same as everybody else, you make your fake money. And you could also, create your own questions as well. Though it does cost to create your questions. So, again, you pay with your fake money, to create the questions.


And I suppose if you play the game right I realize it's not a game, but if it's, you know, if you if you do it correctly, you will be able to make enough money that you again, fake money, that you'll never need to buy any of the fake money because that is how they make money. You can buy fake money from them, to use within the system. I think it's quite a good idea actually. It's a


bit of fun. You're not hurting anyone.


I don't intend on ever spending any money on it, But my goal is to try and, just go on


there and and, essentially, make a few bets and suppose make as much fake money as I can. There may be a


way in the future, I suppose, that you can withdraw that and somehow make real money. I mean, you might be able to do that now. I'm not gonna lie, the whole system is a little bit confusing when you go on there. I've noticed there's more info in the app. But, there's things


on there that, like, I I've made bets on some of the


the things that have closed. And I can't tell how you, like, you know, you check to to see what you want and what you didn't win and things like that. So it is very new to me. I only found this out, like, a day or 2 ago. So it's, it's still new to me as well.


But I thought I'd point it out to everyone else because it is quite new, from what I can cover. So it's good to jump on these things when they're new. Because by the time, but well, by the time this comes out, it might not be available anymore. That's always possible. I have to pick up the weeks before, and they've disappeared before the episodes come out.


And I've had to go in and change it because, otherwise, it would have made no sense whatsoever. So yeah. Manifold dot markets. Take a look. See what you think.


Let me know.


I am going to end the show today with, with a question, not a joke, because I'm moving back to questions for a little bit. Why not?


So this week's question is, what weighs more? A gallon of water or a gallon of butane?


And the answer is water because butane is a lighter fluid.

Creators and Guests

General geek, I like to take pictures of stuff. I’m also the owner of https://t.co/v7zr7y0my1
feat. My Washing Machine!
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