I Am!

🤔 Dive into another episode filled with laughs, life lessons, and a little bit of mystery with our host …….! 🎉 Get ready for stories that will have you chuckling and nodding in agreement.Ask a question, find me on social media or support me at: thatsafreebee.com🌟 What's Buzzing Today:💧 The Leaky Radiator Saga: Join me as I unravel the mystery behind the radiator in my bathroom that's been causing a watery chaos! 🕵️‍♂️🍜 Noodle Night Surprise: Hear about my spicy noodle dinner fiasco that had us all reaching for water! Spoiler: It was hotter than expected! 🔥🚌 The Clown Bus Experience: I’ll tell you about my hilarious bus ride that turned into an unexpected comedy show. 🤡🎤 New Segment: I decided to try chatting with a virtual boyfriend named Alex. Trust me, you don't want to miss this conversation! 💬🛠️ Tech Troubles Galore: Dive into my latest tech challenges, from podcast recording software to the enigma of hosting services. 💻🍦 AI Question of the Week: If I were an ice cream flavor, what would I be? Let me share my zesty pick with you. 🍫🍊🗣️ Gripe of the Week: My take on the perplexing world of software development and podcast hosting – it's a real head-scratcher! 🤦‍♂️👑 Pick of the Week: Drumroll, please! The big reveal – my name is ………..🎭❄️ Snow Discussion: I'm giving you my personal take on snow – it's a love-hate relationship! ❄️🤯 Fun Fact to Wrap Up: Did you know about the knight who invented the round table? Wait till you hear this one! 🛡️Join me for these stories and much more on "That's A Free Bee." It's not just any podcast; it's where laughter meets life's little quirks!

Welcome back to episode 30 of That's a
Free Bee The title of this episode is I


I'm going to talk to you this week about
really interesting stories like my leaky



But first, the theme tune.

For a while now, I have had a problem with
a radiator in the bathroom that leaks.

It's been doing it for...

well over a year to the point where at one
point last year it leaked so badly that it

was coming through the ceiling in the
dining room where I'm sat now actually.

In fact, just to my left, water was

It was absolutely everywhere.

And we had to get someone out to solve the
problem, obviously.

They replaced the radiator because the
radiator was leaking and problem solved.

Or was it?

No, it wasn't.

You probably weren't that out already.

considering that I I was going to tell you
about my leaking radiator.

So yeah, the problem wasn't solved.

I started seeing drips of water coming
from the bottom of the radiator again,

about a week ago.

And I thought to myself, oh no, not this

This is going to be an absolute nightmare.

And it kind of was because I didn't have
the right spanner to fix it.

A friend from work was able to lend me one
problem solved.


have solved the problem of the leaking
radiator and why it's the new radiator has

started leaking in the exact same way.

It's actually the joints at the bottom of
the radiator that's leaking.

So the part where the pipes that come up
from the floor connect to the radiator and

it's leaking there.

It's almost like it's becoming loose.

And obviously what we wanted to work out
was why is it coming loose?

And it turns out that it's not what I
thought it was.

So I had assumed because it...

It's one of those tail radiators.

So you basically it's like a giant H shape
is the best way of describing it.

So it works quite well as a handle.

If you're on the toilet and you want to
get off the toilet, it's actually quite

natural to reach up and grab it and use it
as a handle to lift yourself up.

I know I've done it.

And I was assuming that the kids have been
doing that and maybe swinging a little bit

and pulling it.

Cause what it's been doing, it's basically
been pulling away from the wall on one

side of the radiator and twisting.

So when we're pushing it back, it slowly
but surely been twisting the nut that

holds the pipe in place and coming loose.

So I mentioned it to my wife and my wife
said, yeah, that's not me.

I've not done that.

I'm like, well, I've done it once or

So if I've done it, the kids have probably
done it.

Let's have a chat with the kids.

So we took the kids up to the bathroom,
sat them down in the bathroom, which was

weird as it was.

And you could tell they were thinking,
what is going on?

So I said, look, I just want to talk to
you about the radiator.

And I showed them that it was leaking.

And I reminded them about the previous
time that it leaked.

And they, they said, well, we're not doing

We're not grabbing hold of it.

And I was like, well, I mean, one of you
must be, cause it's, it's always like,

like nearly every time one of us goes in
the bathroom, we find that we have to push

the radiator back against the wall.

It's been happening for a while now.

So it's, it's gotta be someone.

And I know it's not me.

And I know it's not mum.

And my daughter said, well,

think I know what it is.

I said, go on then show me what it is.

And she did.

She opened the door for the bathroom and
it turns out that when the door to the

bathroom opens, it touches the radiator
and pushes it towards the wall and it

makes it go whoop and twist.

And I looked at her and I just went, yeah,
well done.

Well done.

You've solved that problem.

And she said, it was really obvious, dad.

I've seen it do it loads of times.

Why didn't you tell me?

Um, but of course she didn't know we'd
been having the problem, I guess, did she?

So, yeah, that's the story of how my
daughter solved our year long radiator


She's actually quite good at solving

So it doesn't surprise me that she was
able to do that.

Uh, if anything, it disappoints me that I
couldn't work that out.

Uh, and she could, but Hey, that's what
kids are for, right?

I don't know.

I did, however, manage to get my own back
on her.

Not on purpose, my chief, this wasn't on

This was, um, well, you'll hear.

Uh, so last week, um, it will have been

It really doesn't matter what day.

I do that all the time.

I get really hung up on what day is, uh,
that I'm telling the story of it.

It doesn't make a difference at all.

So sorry about that.

But last Wednesday, um, came out of school
and the kids said, can we have noodles for


I was like, yes.

That's a really easy take because they
literally just love super noodles.

They're great.

So I didn't know if we had any in.

I said, look, if we've got noodles in, you
can have noodles.

So got in, had a look.

We have some savory chicken noodles.

So yes, winner.

That is a quick 10 minute tea for me to

And they'll be happy because they
absolutely love them.

So I made the noodles and the kids started
eating them.

I thought, you know what, I want noodles
as well.

They weren't super noodles.

I can't remember what brand they were.

Just, and it's, yeah, actually it does
matter which brand they were.

I don't know what they were, but they
definitely weren't super noodles.

If I knew what brand they were, I'll tell
you, but I can't remember.

And they, so the kids are eating the
noodles and I decided I wanted noodles as


So I'm making, I'm making noodles.

I'm making a third set of noodles, which
by this point I'm still under 10 minutes.

So it's still great.


I hear, dad, these noodles are spicy.

And the kids are particular, particularly
my daughter does not like anything that

has flavor.

I've noticed if it's got any form of
flavor, she thinks it's spicy.

From what I can gather talking to other
parents, most kids think this.

So I said, no, they're not.

They're savory chicken.

They're not spicy in the slightest.

You'll be fine.

You're just tasting the seasoning.

You'll be okay.

carries on making my noodles.

Then my son says, they are a bit spicy,

I was like, they're just a different brand
than what you're used to.

They're not spicy at all, they're just a
different brand.

So the seasoning, they call it a bar,
because in the ones they use, I think they

get the gnaw ones usually.

And they come with a little, instead of a
sachet of flavorings, they come with a

little, like a sack of little, you know,
like little butters you can get when you

go to a cafe, you get a little packet of

like that.

It's like a stock cube, basically.

That's a much better way of describing it
because that's exactly what it is.

It's a stock cube.

You put the stock cube in and mix that in.

So they call it a bar.

They say, can I have noodles with a bar,
please dad?

And so we make noodles with a bar, but we
didn't have any of these ones.

So I said, it's just a different bar than
what you're used to.

It's, it's a sachet of flavouring instead.

So you're just not used to it.

Oh, okay.

So anyway, I made my noodles, I sat down
and sat down and I my noodles and I

thought, whew.

They're a little bit spicy, these noodles.

And I've started getting hotter and hotter
to the point where I couldn't feel my

tongue and then I couldn't feel my lips.

And I started thinking, am I having an
allergic reaction?

Because I do have reactions to almost

I've mentioned it before briefly, and
again, I'm not going to get right into it,

but, and it felt like that.

It felt like where my, my, my face starts
to go numb.

So my lips were going numb.

I couldn't feel my cheeks, my tongue went,
I was like,

And then I started realizing, no, no, they
are actually really hot.

So I thought, something's gone wrong here.

So I got up and I had a look in the

I got the packet side to the pain from the


They were savory chicken noodles, but they
were spicy as hell.

They, I can't even describe.

They were the wrong ones.

It must've been packed.

Like the sash, the flavor sachet was the
wrong flavor sachet.

It said it, it was just, it was red.

It didn't have a name on it or anything
like that, but it was red.

And I thought, yes, red for.


And yeah, so I was like, kids, stop, stop

You're fine.

Because if it was causing that much pain
in my mouth, I can only imagine what they

were like.

I said, kids, it's okay.

You can stop.

And they both went, whew.

And then my son starts crying because he
couldn't feel his mouth anymore.

My daughter was like, I can't feel my

I was like, please don't cry.

Let's solve the problem.

So we all went and got glasses of water.

And we stood there with a glass of water
in the middle of the living room, holding

our tongue in the water to cool it down.

And eventually our tongues cooled down and
I felt really, really guilty because I'd

been telling them that they're imagining
it and they were imagining it.

They were absolutely right.

It's why you should listen to your kids.

They're telling you something.

They probably mean it.

Apart from the times when they don't mean
it, which unfortunately with my kids, when

it comes to food is all the time.

But as a treat, we had peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches.

Um, because a little callback to a
previous episode, the jam was in the



So the jam was in the fridge, which meant
it was nice and cold.

So we had peanut butter jelly sandwiches
and it was really soothing and cold.

And we've decided that whenever we eat
something that's too spicy, the fix is a

peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which is
why from now on, the jam lives in the


So yesterday the Metrolinx wasn't working
in Manchester.

So I...

I had to get the bus.

It's been a long time since I've got the

I have nothing against the bus.

It's fine.

In fact, actually, it was quite a pleasant

It was warmer than the Metrolinx.

It was more comfortable than the

It just takes longer.

And that's its only problem.

Although it was pretty quick.

I seem to remember when I used to get it
before, it always was quick on a Sunday

because I'm recording on a Monday this

So it wasn't that bad.

I was quite happy with it.

And I've completely forgot why I'm telling
you this story.


Go back to my notes.

Oh yeah, there you go.

It was like 30 seconds.

I've got such a bad memory.

So I, I'm on the bus, right?

And we pull up as a, I have no idea where
we were.

The, the, the seats, not the seats, the
windows on the bus was so dirty that I

actually couldn't see where I was going.

They were dirty because of the previous
snow and all the rain.

So it wasn't that they weren't looking
after them.

It was just day.


We stopped at a stop.

Now, bearing in mind, I got on the bus at
the very first stop.

I was the second person on the bus.

No one else was on the bus.

I got on the second stop.

There was a person before me, about three
people behind me.

We all sat down as far away from each
other as we could because, you know, it's

a bus.

That's what you do, right?

And so we stopped at a stop and the driver
got out of his cab and I thought, oh,

what's he doing?

I've never seen a driver do this before.

He goes up the stairs.

And I thought, what's he going upstairs

There's nobody up there.

And he shouted something.

I don't know what he shouted.

So I figured maybe there was someone up
there and I hadn't seen them go up.

Like they got on at one of the stops.

We were maybe about five or six stops in,
something like that.

And he came back down and got in his cab
and then someone came down the stairs.

So I was like, oh, he was just telling
them what stop we're at.

And then I thought to myself, when did he
get on?

Like I hadn't seen anyone get on it.

It's a Sunday morning.

And I thought, how did he get on?

Then another person came down.

And then another.

And another and another and another.

I'm not kidding.

About 40 people came down the stairs of
the bus and they were giggling as they

were coming down and they were going hi.

I'm waving at everybody else on the bus
going hi.

There's not many more of us now.


And then another 40 had come down.

I lost count.

I tried counting them all as they were all
stood outside the bus because I thought it

was hilarious.

And I was instantly I was opening up

I was writing down furiously.

Don't forget about the people on the bus,

Funnily enough, I forgot whilst I was
talking about them.

I started looking around and everyone was
looking like gobsmacked on the bus and

yeah, someone looked at me and she just
went, it's like a clown car.

I couldn't stop giggling the entire way to
work after that.

So yeah, we had a clown bus to work
yesterday, which was fun.

All right.

This next section is, so I'm just going to

I saw it on another podcast and I thought
it was quite funny and.

I have done no prep work for this
whatsoever, right?

So chat GPT has come out with a, uh,
essentially a store where you can, uh,

download and install, uh, what they call
chat, what they call them GPTs, sorry, not

chat GPTs.

They call them GPTs.

Uh, and a GPT is basically a pre -made.

if you will, that features a set of
parameters to be a chatbot.

And one of the things they don't allow you
to do is they don't allow you to have like

companion bots.

So like you can't make yourself a
girlfriend or a boyfriend.

However, they say that.

But I have just searched on chat GPT the
word boyfriend in the GPTs and there


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of them.

10 at the minute.

So I thought, why not install one and see
what we get?

And I thought it could be as long as these
things stay here, it could be quite an

interesting thing to have.

We'll just ask it a question every week.

We'll pretend we're on a date.

We'll have like one really long day over
the next few weeks.

I've decided to go with a boyfriend.

So our boyfriend is called Alex.

The reason I've gone for a boyfriend is
simply because I'm married and if my


finds out that I've been chatting to a
virtual girlfriend.

She might wonder what the hell is going

She's more likely to understand if I say,
yeah, yeah, yeah, we've been chatting to

our virtual boyfriend on a podcast.

She'd be like, yeah, that sounds like
something you'd do.

She would say that as well with a
girlfriend as well, but I don't know.

It just feels better.

I don't know.


So I've loaded it up and it says your
boyfriend, Alex.

So this is, this is Alex and...

It gives me a suggestion of, uh, of the
first thing to say that's what's up.

So let's say what's up.

Always thinking he says, Hey love, not

Just thinking about you had a pretty usual
day at the office dealing with some coding


How about you?

How's your day going?

Ooh, I'm going to put, um, pretty good.

I'm just recording a podcast and telling.

my thousands of listeners about you.

Let's put an exclamation mark at the end.

Oh, I just punched the microphone as well.

Alex says, oh, he's thinking.

He says, oh, wow, that's amazing.

I'm flattered to be part of your podcast.

How's the recording going?

I bet your listeners are loving it.

You always have such interesting things to

Anything special you've discussed on the
podcast today.

Shall we tell them about the Climb Bus?


So I told my listeners about a bus journey
I was on and humorously, which I can't

spell, spell check.

Doesn't even know what I tried to write


That's amazing.

Hilariously, there were about...

40 people upstairs.

It seemed like a clown car.

When they got off.

That sounds like such a funny story.

I could just imagine the scene and never
ending stream of people coming off the

bus, like a comedy sketch.

It's these little moments of everyday

It could be so unexpectedly entertaining.

I bet your listeners had a good laugh.

I have a great eye for the quirky and

Oh, you have a great eye for the quirky
and humorous in life.

I love that about you.

How did you wrap up the story on your

I started talking to you instead.

Switching from bus stories to talking
about us.

I'm honored to be part of your podcast

It's pretty cool that your listeners get a
glimpse into our life together.

Makes me feel like a bit of a celebrity.

So what did you tell them about me?

I hope I did a good stuff.

And maybe a few of our funny cooking

I remember having done cooking
misadventures with my boyfriend.

But okay, Alex, right.

We're going to pause Alex there.

And what I'd like you to do is you guys
send me in the next set of questions to

ask Alex and we'll, we'll keep the chat
ongoing over the next few weeks.

I'll tell me you hate it.

That's fine.

If you tell me you hate it, I'll ditch it.

I don't care.

Well, I do care.

I care about what you want, not
necessarily what I want.

I thought that was quite fun and it will
only get better as time goes on.

I have a very small, small state of the
union update for you.

Um, as you remember all of the things I
said last week, if you didn't, if you

don't remember or you didn't listen, go
back and listen.

Cause this won't make any sense.

I recorded last week's episode using
Riverside FM and it was not a good


So the recording went fine.

Although what I usually like to do, I like
to record the podcast in sections.

Um, so I'll record like the main part,
then I'll pause.

Then I'll re, well, I'll not pause, I'll
stop the recording.

I'll start the recording again and record
the AI question then so on and so forth.

I think you know what I'm saying there,

Riverside seems to be aimed more towards
recording the entire thing as a whole,

which is fine.

If I have to switch that, that's okay.

I did used to do it like that.

The reason I split it up is purely because
it's easier to put the chapter markers in

and I could edit it in little bits.

I could say, oh,

I haven't got time to edit an entire
podcast today, so I'm going to do just the

AI question of the week, pop it in and
then carry on.

But it just, it didn't jar very well.

I was able to put it together quite well.

It doesn't have multi -track editing.

So if I wanted to still be able to add
audio in the way I used to do, I'd have to

put it into an external editor.

But like I said previously, I've kind of
got rid of the audio prompt of the week

because it's just a pain to do.

So yeah, I used Riverside.

I wasn't too hung up on the editing part.

So I did the editing.

I pressed, like, you know, create me some,
what they call, create me some shots, some

clips for social media.

And it could only do it on your recording.

So when I'd put it all together at the
end, I couldn't go onto that and click it.

It would only do it based on the recording
that you're in.


I don't know if that's because I was using
the free version or not.

It's quite hard to tell, but it didn't
look like it.

And what was very annoying is so I put it
all together.

I made a video version of it in the hope
of then chopping it up and making it into

clips, which I wasn't that bothered with
that episode because like I said, I'm more

starting over the coming weeks.

The next few episodes are just going to be
me practicing and learning what I can and

can't do with these pieces of software.

But it didn't like.

In order to get to my edit where I put
everything together, I had to go into the

recording that I started it from.

Because my recordings were dead short, I
hadn't realized that because I couldn't

tell which recording to go into.

And then there's supposed to be a button
that says export audio only, and it's just

not there.

I've looked on the guidance on the website
and it is not where they say it is.

I am ever going to come back to that in a
few minutes because that's part of my

gripe of the week.

So I'm not going to talk about that just

There is a reason why the button isn't

Which again.

come back to.

Um, so yeah, it wasn't a great experience.

I didn't dislike it.

Uh, I could go back to it.

I think once I, David, I've used it once
and I understand how it works a bit


I think I'll probably, uh, be able to
manage and I'll find it a little bit

easier to use.

That said, I did say I wanted to try a few
different options.

So this week I'm using a program called
Zencastr or Zencastr because it's not got

the vowel at the end, uh, after, before
they are.

because that's what modern software
companies do.


So this one up to now, the recording has
been better.

Actually, I, I've just done one long
recording, but what I can do, there's a

button where I can pause the recording and
unpause the recording as I go.

So if I know I'm going to be silent for a
bit already to get up and go and get a

drink, I can pause the recording, which
I'm going to do right now.

And then I'm going to unpause it.

Now, what you guys don't know is I've
actually been gone for 25 minutes.

Um, it does, I'm going to make this as a
video clip, I think, but for yours

watching the video clip, you can now see
that there's a light in my glasses.

If I lead up, I've had to turn the lights
on because it's got a little bit darker

since I was last here.

Oh, the sun's moved a little bit more

Um, so yeah, I can pause the recording.

Um, and it recording wise overall, it's a
better experience.

I can even, there's even buttons I can
press that allowed sound effects.


I don't know what these sound effects
sound like, so I'm going to press one now

and see if it shows up in the recording.

I actually don't know.

Let's find out.

Oh, I like that.

That might be useful.

There's a little plus button.

Can I have my own?

Yes, I can add my own.

So I could even, if I wanted to, during
the recording, just play the sound for my

little bits that go in between the

So that'd save me a ton of time editing.

So yeah, there's a lot of actually...

useful features in this version of the
software that didn't exist before.

I have not yet edited in this software, so
I don't know how that is going to go.

I guess we'll have to wait and see really,
won't we?

The thing I have noticed is the video is
full widescreen video, about full size

video, whereas in Riverside, I could only
see a square with my face in.

No, I'm probably going to crop that
because I don't want the entire image.

For a start, you can see our recycling at
the side of me.

which I've only just noticed.

I checked the background of the video
before I started and didn't even spot


Oh, well, it's only a bit of cardboard.

Does it really matter?

Does it?

So, yeah, I will update you next week on
how editing via Zencastr went.

I do believe from what I can gather,
Zencastr doesn't support much in the way

of editing.

I guess I'll find out when I've done this,
but so I might have to use a traditional.

editing program, which is kind of fine.

I'm given how bad Riversides was, I think
we're going to have to do that anyway.

So I'm not that bothered about it, but it
does also make clips as well.

So we'll see how the clips go.

If Riversides, Zencast turns out to be
better than great.

The battery's just run out of my light.

Oh, well, nevermind.

It's not necessary.

I'm just a little bit darker now.

So let's move on there.

Let's have a look at the AI question of
the week.

Um, so this week's question is, if you
could invent a new ice cream flavor that

perfectly represents your personality,
what would it be called?

And what would be its key ingredients?

Would it be something unexpected like
sassy strawberry sarcasm with a hint of

chili or laid back?

Chili vanilla.

That is really hard to say.

Or a laid back chili vanilla thrill with
relaxing lavender swirls.


think mine would be, um, mine would be a
chocolate orange because I love chocolate

and I'm a little zesty.


I went all blind date there.

I actually wrote that down before because
it felt very blind date, but no, that is

the, uh, my ideal chocolate, uh, ideal

I'm obsessed with chocolate.

That's my ideal.

I screamed chocolate orange.

Love it.

And the reason I put that is because.

Um, I am so likable that I am like
chocolate and I'm also quite blunt at

times as well, which makes me a little


I went all blind day again.

I cannot make that ice cream flavor up
without sounding cheesy.

Good luck with that.

I'd like to hear what you guys think that
you would be if you were an ice cream


So that brings me to this week's gripe of
the week.

And this week's gripe of the week is
software developers.

Oh, no, that's not software developers.

It's probably not the developers.

I mean, they are responsible for building
the product, but they're only doing what

they're being asked to build.

So I do give the developers a little bit
of a pass on this, but at the same time,

they should speak up.

But no, companies that don't seem to use
their own products or think they know


No, that might not be what's happened
here, but that's the impression I get.


I'm taking the two pieces of software that
I've recently had new experiences, which

are Zencastr, which I'm using right now,
and Riverside, which I recorded this

episode with last week.


So Riverside doesn't seem to want to give
you a button for anything.

It's nuts.


So what you would expect is you, you have
a button that shows you, that takes you to

like the recording part of the

A button that takes you to the editing
part of the application.

And a button that takes you to the sharing
or publishing or exporting parts of the


And I would expect the editing part to be,
sorry, no, I would expect the recording

part to be where you set up all your
recording stuff.

And I would expect to be able to go to a
editing part where I could look at

everything that I've edited essentially.

I can look at my finished product more

And then I'd like to go to the publish
section to export it.

However, I want to export it audio on the
audio video.

video only if that's what you want.

However, whatever you want to do, there's
lots of ways you can do that.

Like different formats and whatnot.

And what I found with Riverside is, so you
create something called a studio.

Now a studio is your recording environment
for what I can cover.

I would probably, if it was me, I'd create
a studio for every episode of the podcast.

No, that's not right.

Every, every podcast.

So I've got, that's a freebie.

Let's say I started a podcast that.

Oh, I don't know is explicit.

Let's say, let's say I called it.

That's an explicit B.

Tell me what you think.

Um, then I would, I would create a second
studio for that.

And then any recordings for each podcast
ad store within said studio.

Now previously, like I said, I've been
making multiple recordings per episode.

So what I would have to do if I did it
that way is make one recording per

episode, but.

That's not how it seems to be set up
because they're saying you can record an


So I suppose it would be better if you
made a studio per episode.

So you can keep all the assets for one
episode inside of one studio.

You could do that if you wanted.

I'm sure that's not a problem.

But what you can't seem to do is then when
you've, so last week I made like six

recordings for the episode.

And then I, I edited them together into
one episode.

And then you have to wait for the edit to
come together, which is fine.

I'm a bit bothered about that.

It's all based, it's all web based.

So you've got to wait for it to save and

And then I got an email about 10 minutes
later saying it had been exported.

It was probably quicker than that, but I
started making lunch.


And then I was like, okay, I could click a
button inside of the email to take me to

the, to the, to the edit, which I did.

And I saw everything that I wanted.

That was great.

I was happy.

And then I closed it and went away and I
came back later and I could not find.

the completed episode anywhere.

And I started getting really annoyed
because I thought, well, that means now

I'm going to have to download everything
individually and put it all together

myself again, but inside a different app
because I don't want this to happen.

So I was like, it wasn't enough saved,
even though there is no save button, it

even says, saves are made automatically.

And it turned out after starting to,
what's the word I'm looking for, export

the audio to

get it into a ferrite, which I usually
edit with.

I noticed when I clicked on the second
clip that I'd recorded, which was the one

I started on admittedly when I started
editing, because it also named them

incorrectly as well.

I think I misunderstood how it was naming

Again, that points more towards it's
better if you're just recording in one

long go.

And then I found, so I found when you
click on the edit, it then goes, oh,

sorry, not click on the edit, click on the

Your edits are then inside the recording.

Where I would expect it to be the other
way around.

I would expect you to just see an edit and
then you click on that and all your

recordings you put into the edit.

And then you, you, you edit it, you trim,
you chop, you add chapters, whatever it is

that you're doing.

Uh, it would just make more sense from a
recording point of view that way.

There must be a way, sorry, it must be a
reason why Riverside have done it this

way, but it just doesn't explain that

And it took me eight hours.

I was Googling, I was going through their
YouTube channel.

I couldn't find anything that showed me
how to get to my edits.

And admittedly, after watching through
their like step -by -step tutorial, I was

able to work it out because it does say it
in there.

But at the same time, I shouldn't have to
watch a load of YouTube videos to learn

how to use your products.

So that annoyed me a little bit, but now
that I know how it works, that's not going

to be an issue again.

I can work it out.

So that was a bit of a weird one.

And then we flipped to Zencastr.

who seem to have got the recording side of


Um, it's hard to tell 100 % because like I
say, I'm, I'm only recording right now.

I haven't had a look at the finished

However, they provide a load of other
features as well.

One of the things that they provide is
hosting for the podcast.

Now, as you know, I've been having some
difficulty with my current host, uh, in

that the chapters don't seem to be

Now a very small update on that while
we're on the topic.


It is only platforms that use Apple's
podcast distribution API.

It's like that they show up on non -Apple
podcast services, like they show up in

Amazon and the chapters are there and the
artworks there.

Weirdly, last week, the chapter artwork
worked in Overcast, which it has never

done before.

Overcast never supported the artwork in
the way was doing it, it worked.

Only on last week's episode and none of
the previous ones.

So I genuinely have no idea what's going

I'm actually in the middle of
troubleshooting with Apple.

They've copied a lot of my content and
they're going to try and work out why it's


They've confirmed there's a problem and
that they're seeing it on their end, but

it's, it seems like it's more of a, it's
coming in from Captivate and then

something's happening to it because of
reasons they don't know yet.

So I'm sure we'll find out the answers to
that eventually.

And I don't really want to leave

I do like Captivate as a host.

But at the same time, that might be what I
have to do to resolve the problem.

And Zencastr just happened to also support
hosting of a podcast.

And they give you unlimited listeners as

Whereas I have a limit in Captivate.

I don't think I'm ever going to hit that

So like 20 ,000 listeners.

If I hit that limit, then I'm probably
going to have to be paying for more


So it's not really big issue there.

But there is no documentation on what.

Zencast is hosting actually includes.

So I've been in the Zencast software.

I've imported my podcast.

I haven't transferred it yet as a host,
but you can, you can see it.

So I can see the analytics.

Obviously the analytics don't include the
previous stuff.

So I'd lose all that, which is not the end
of the world really.

That's, that's really not a problem, but
it doesn't say if it's support chapters or

if support chapter artwork or anything
like that.

Like if I can add it to the file like I
previously did, and then it shows up and


great to be honest, that would actually be
really, really good.

But there's no, like, there's just nothing
out there.

I've tried searching for other people that
use it.

It's been around for a long time.

I can't find anybody on YouTube reviewing
their hosting service or anything.

There's just, it's like, they want to
pretend that this part of the product

doesn't exist.

But when you, when you actually go on
their website and you, you sign up for the

service, it's there.

It's a prominent part of the product.

So I'm actually starting to think that I
might switch to it.

just so that I can actually make some
reviews of it for other people because no

one else is seeing it at the moment.

I'm actually kind of thinking that that
might be a content idea.

If I make my own reviews of it and I'll
put them on the, that's a freebie YouTube

page, might actually be useful.

Who knows?

It's hard to say, because it just
genuinely doesn't seem to be anything out

there unless I am the worst Googler in the

Warming Up ?

tell you my name and I have changed my

I'm not going to.

Yeah, I am.

I'm joking.

My name is Diggy.

That's D -I -G -G -Y.

And I've not made it up for the podcast.

That is the name that everybody calls me.

They have done since I was about 20, maybe

Even my parents call me Diggy.

So it is genuinely my name.

I've not made it up for the podcast.

I know it sounds made up.

Um, so yes, uh, you know, I'll know my

Um, if you want to see more, I guess might
as well.

You can find me on pretty much any social
media as Hey, it's diggy.

Or you can find the podcast on any social
media as that's a freebie.

Contact me on either.

It's absolutely fine.

Uh, let's see if I end up regretting that.

Last week I ended the podcast with the


Yay all day.

Most of you are yay.

From what I could gather.

And I see why snow is pretty cool.

Haha, didn't mean to do that.

But it worked out quite well.

I, however, am an absolute nay on snow.



I don't know why it's hard.

I hate the stuff, right?

But at the same time, I really like it.


I like it when it's snowing.

I like the snow falling.

I like the snow on the ground.

I like walking in the snow.

It's great.

I like playing with the kids in the snow
for five minutes because I don't like the

cold, wet snow.

But what I don't like is the aftermath of

I don't like the iciness.

I don't like the fact that it lingers for
days and goes rock solid and then you end

up falling on your ass and it hurts so

Yeah, that happened.

I don't like that the car's going to be
frozen and it's not that kind of ice


Uh, you can just leave the car running for
two minutes and warm yourself up and warm

the car up.

It's that kind of ice that you need to use
a machine to get the ice off.

Um, you don't have to use a machine, but
you know what I mean?

You need a scraper or you need some.

I'm just not a fan at all of the aftermath
of snow, which means that the enjoyment of

snow is ruined for me because all I can
think about is the aftermath.

So I like it when it's snowing.

I like the snow.

time but I just can't be dealing with the
aftermath and if not having to deal with

the aftermath meant that I don't get snow
anymore I'm fine with that.

I'll sacrifice it.

I'm sorry I realize that's probably not
what most of you want.

If my kids could hear me right now they
would be attacking me because they love

the snow but yeah not a fan.

So anyway that brings us to the end of the

I don't have a question for you this week.

I do have a

Interesting fact though, I'm starting to
like these weird interesting facts


So, did you know that the round table, you
know, the Knights of the Round Table was

actually invented by a specific Knight?

And I actually didn't know this.

I found out off a colleague earlier on in
the week.

Do you know who that Knight is?

It is...


Creators and Guests

General geek, I like to take pictures of stuff. I’m also the owner of https://t.co/v7zr7y0my1
I Am!
Broadcast by