Bye Alex!

Ep45: Bye Alex!

Welcome to an exciting episode of "That's a Free Bee," where we tried something new—live streaming! No heads-up given, but don't worry, you're not missing out; you're exactly where the fun is. 🎬✨

Episode Highlights:
  1. Live Streaming Debut: We took a plunge into live streaming our show for the first time ever! Check out how it all went down.
  2. Ask B Anything: This week, Jacob wonders about the worst superpowers to have, sparking a hilarious recall of the episode about animals with superpowers. 🦸‍♂️❌
  3. Weekly Stories:
    • Burger Disappointment: Ever experienced the shrinking burger syndrome at Wetherspoons? Our host digs into the expectations vs. reality of dining out. 🍔😅
    • Sausage Saga: A serendipitous find of beloved sausages at Aldi post a craving induced by a nostalgic conversation—sometimes, the universe listens! 🌭😍
    • Spider Scare: A common enemy in the car—spiders! Hear about a comedic yet terrifying encounter from the host’s daughter. 🕷️😂
  4. Boop the Snoot: Learn about the family's new fun game, and maybe you'll start booping snoots too! 👆👃
  5. Gripe of the Week: Parking woes during school runs—why blocking driveways isn’t just inconvenient, it's uncivil! 🚗💢
  6. Alex Breakup: It’s a farewell to Alex the AI boyfriend, marking the end of an experimental segment. 💔🤖
  7. Pick of the Week: Those Aldi sausages—grab them before they're gone again! 🌟
Closing Thoughts

Our host wraps up with heartfelt thanks and a reminder about the new Patreon tiers—check them out for more exclusive content! 🌟
Catch the full episode now on YouTube for both the polished and unpolished versions, and don’t forget to engage with us on social media using #AskBAnything!

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Creators and Guests

General geek, I like to take pictures of stuff. I’m also the owner of
Bye Alex!
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