She's Not A Vegetarian!

Episode 43: She's Not A Vegetarian

๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Welcome back to "That's a Free Bee," everyone! Itโ€™s Diggy here, buzzing through another episode filled with quirky insights and updates. ๐Ÿ

๐Ÿ”Š Ask a Free Bee Question: This week's question comes anonymously (for the last time, as I'll be ditching that word for good): What's your favorite coffee brewing method? Well, from the rarely used Nespresso to my go-to V60 pour-over and AeroPress, I navigate the complexities of my morning brew. Yes, sometimes it's just good old instant coffee, especially if that's what kicks off the day with ease!

๐Ÿฉบ Health Update: There's finally some good news on the health front. The hives have mostly retreated, and I'm experiencing less joint pain. With a medication adjustment on the horizon, I'm hopeful this new regimen brings more relief. Plus, a surprising reaction from the kids to my clean-shaven look due to the hives โ€” apparently, I resemble a thumb now!

๐Ÿš— A Little Adventure: In a quest to get some fresh air, a trip to the car wash turns educational as I explain the importance of a radio aerial to my kids, who can't fathom why everything isn't internet-based. It was a teachable moment for sure, topped off with their disbelief that you can actually buy IKEA meatballs to enjoy at home!

๐Ÿ” Culinary Confessions: Speaking of food, this episode dives into the peculiar eating habits at home, especially my daughter's claim of being a 'vegetarian' who doesn't quite embrace vegetables or understand the full spectrum of what meat entails. It's a merry mix-up that brings light-hearted challenges to dining out.

๐ŸŽผ What Goo Talking About: Our rotating regular section this week features fascinating finds from around the web, including a glimpse into how newborns appear on shows like 'Call the Midwife.' Ever wondered about the logistics behind those adorable TV babies? It's more intricate and interesting than you might expect!

๐Ÿ“š Pick of the Week: Venturing into literary lands, this month's book club selection at work is "Wrong Place, Wrong Time" by Gillian McAllister. Dive into this intriguing tale where a mother finds herself time-traveling to prevent a crime committed by her son. It's a page-turner that pairs mystery with a mind-bending exploration of maternal love and fate.

๐Ÿ“บ Thank You: As always, a huge thank you to all listeners, whether you're tuning in through YouTube or your favorite podcast platform. Your engagement and feedback fuel this show and genuinely make a difference. Remember, hitting like, leaving reviews, and subscribing are great ways to support us.

Until next time, keep buzzing, Free Bees! Stay curious, stay quirky, and as always, enjoy the delightful oddities of life. ๐ŸŽง๐Ÿ

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  • (00:00) - Ask Bee Anything
  • (03:43) - This Week
  • (22:43) - What Goo Talkin' About?
  • (33:16) - Ai Question Of The Week
  • (38:34) - Thank You
  • (39:29) - Pick Of The Week
  • (42:24) - Finalรฉ

Creators and Guests

General geek, I like to take pictures of stuff. Iโ€™m also the owner of
She's Not A Vegetarian!
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