Cold Turkey!

Episode 42: Cold Turkey!

🎙️ Hey Free Bees, it's Diggy! Welcome back to another episode of "That's a Free Bee," where I dive into some personal health updates and debunk some common misconceptions. Plus, we'll tackle another intriguing "Ask a Free Bee" question. 🐝

🎶 Taylor Swift's New Album: Kicking things off, Todd asked about the new Taylor Swift album. Honestly, I'm more of an audiobooks and podcasts guy, so I haven't given it a listen. Music isn't really my jam—sorry to disappoint the music lovers out there!

🚑 Health Update - Going Cold Turkey: Big news on the health front: I'm adjusting my chronic medication regimen. After nearly eight years, it's time for a change due to a potential intolerance. Starting this week, I’m phasing out my current meds, which is quite daunting. I'll keep you posted on this journey—wish me luck!

🎥 Video Podcast Updates: Considering the future of our video content due to low viewership. Might focus more on audio and shorts. Stay tuned as I mull over this decision!

🔍 AI Question of the Week: Thanks to Perplexity AI for this week's question about the most embarrassing song on my playlist.

🍴 New Segment - Common Misconceptions: Introducing a new segment this week! Ever thought searing meat sealed in moisture? Think again! Plus, we debunk myths about Twinkies’ shelf life and food expiration dates. Learning something new every time!

📢 Gripe of the Week: This week's gripe goes to charity door knockers. Love the cause, not so keen on the pushy tactics, especially when they involve the kids. It's a tricky balance!

🌟 Pick of the Week: Instead of recommending the hyped TV show "Fallout," I'm going with something lighter—Bluey! It's perfect for all ages and available on Disney+. Don't miss it!

📚 Story Time: Ending with a quirky tale about Rudolf the Red, a Viking known for predicting weather.

🙏 Thank You: Big thanks to everyone tuning in each week. Your support on platforms like YouTube and various podcast apps through reviews and subscriptions really helps us grow and keep delivering great content.

That’s all for today! Keep buzzing, Free Bees, and see you in the next episode. Stay tuned for more updates, more laughs, and more misconceptions busted! 🎧🐝
  • (00:00) - Ask Bee Anything
  • (01:56) - This Week
  • (05:25) - Ai Question Of The Week
  • (08:10) - Common Misconceptions
  • (11:17) - Gripe of the Week
  • (14:37) - Thank You
  • (15:36) - Pick Of The Week
  • (16:38) - Finalé

Creators and Guests

General geek, I like to take pictures of stuff. I’m also the owner of
Cold Turkey!
Broadcast by